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Professionals FAQ
Updated over 12 months ago

Here are some frequently asked questions about being a Professional on Seersite. Feel free to chat with us directly if you have any other questions! For the Expert FAQ, click here.

Becoming a Professional

How can I become an Professional?

Request to become a professional today by completing our quick application form here:

How long does the vetting process usually take?

Our vetting process typically takes about 1 - 3 business days. All applicants will be notified by email once the process is completed.

I was accepted to be a Professional on Seersite. Now what?

Congratulations! The next step would be to complete your account setup and profile information. The more detailed and completed your profile is, the better the chance of getting booked by a client.

I was rejected to be a Professional on Seersite. How come?

There are various reasons why an applicant may be rejected when attempting to join our platform. Most often it has to do with the area of expertise. While we may not be accepting Experts from all industries just yet, we may soon be needing Experts from your particular one, and we will let you know when we begin accepting applicants with your expertise!

What is the difference between a Professional and an Expert on Seersite?

A professional is a vetted member that has not yet requested to become an expert in order to take on client bookings. An expert is a vetted member that has both applied and been accepted via our application process to become eligible for client bookings.

I have questions about my account. Who should I contact?

You can contact [email protected] with questions or concerns regarding your account.

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